
"I find you guilty! Treece, Execute him!"

-Gaval (Gogar: Judgment Day)







73 Meters


33,000 Metric Tons

1st appearance

Gogar: Judgment Day



Gaval was enchanced with the most lightweight metals in the Nebulans' possession. As a result, Gaval can move at speeds inconceivable for a normal Gigan of his size. In addition to his speed Gaval possesses a forehead, mouth and eye beam, each varies in strength. Attached to Gaval's eyes are vision enchancements that allow him sight in 360 degrees. At the tip of Gaval's tail is a massive pincer, capable of crushing a large boulder with minimal strain. Gaval is extremely intelligent, able to execute complex plans and missions the Nebulans could not assign to a regular Gigan type. To assist him in his missions, The Nebulans entrusted Gaval with complete control over another of their Gigan types, Treece.


Gaval is one of the first successful clones of the Gigan species. The Nebulans noticed the only side effect of the process was an odd skin pigmentation and a noticeable tendency for the cloned genes to favor the insectile properties of the Gigan species. Gaval quickly took to his enchancements, and was immediately sent to perform simple tasks such as the subjugation of minor colonies. However, the Nebulans took notice of the young creature's intelligence after a mission to one planet in particular. Gaval struck the military strongholds of nations who were sworn rivals of one another. Each presumed Gaval was a creature working for their enemies and attacked one another rather than unifying against the alien threat. After only a week's time the world sunk into an atomic war that resulted in the destruction of all the living beings. After that mission Gaval was give complete control of another Gigan type the Nebulans created named Treece. With his strategic skills combined with Treece's mass and firepower, the duo remained an unstoppable force. It is this reason they were sent to the Gigan Homeworld charged with the task of destroying Gaiganny's mate, Gogar.



 Notes from the Creator

Gaval was made when I decided Gogar should be hunted down like a rabid dog, hehe... The more I play as Gaval the more I get the feel of a villain wrestler. You know, he appears, attacks the bad guy, gets his butt whooped, and retreats to the back when his cronies abandon him. Hehe, I guess he could also count as you're typical comic book villain, but I like to think more along the lines of professional wrestling... Gaval was originally created to die, in fact, my initial thought was to have both he and Treece be fitted with a bomb the Nebulans would detonate if they did not succeed in killing Gogar, but instead I decided that Gogar really needed a constant rival, someone who will always be there to gnaw at his wounds, attack him when he least expects it, someone who would be a *consistent* threat. He's what Gogar needed, since I figured he was getting off too easy, what with most of his opponents meeting with an untimely death and all. We needed someone who would return to seek vengeance. So Gaval will be around, in some way shape or form, he'll be around...